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Name | Model | Current Postion |
s1 | SuperMicro X10DRi | Rack B |
s3 | DELL PowerEdge R220 | Rack C |
s4 | HP ProDesk 400 G1 DM | Rack C |
s6 | HP ProDesk 400 G1 DM | Rack B |
Vault | SuperMicro X10DRL-i | Rack B |
Vault2 | Synology DS918+ | Rack C |
Vault3 | Synology DS1515+ | Rack C |
MM_2014 | Mac Mini A1347 | Rack C |
Polaris | Fusion Pro 5288 V5 | Rack C (Coming Soon) |
Every hardware has its own unique narrative, as I find great satisfaction in collecting and preserving these stories. It is a testament to the evolution of technology and the countless innovations that shape our digital landscape.
Welcome, DS218play! We are in dire need of additional storage space.
Welcome, 800G1! It’s time for something exciting.
Welcome, R710! I’m thrilled to have you on board.
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in , 2000
Recommended citation:
Whole Exome Sequencing, Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
Based on Chapter 11, Genetics from Gene to Genome, 6th Edition.
A presentation for Poling Class, 37 slides.
A talk for National Engineering Lab for Neuromodulation, internship summary, 69 slides.
Also see my GitHub repository: Shall-We-Dance/AlphaFold-DB